Warm introductions to relevant investors shorten fundraising cycles and increase the chances of success. Bridges helps investors, platform teams, mentors and startup communities to...
Warm introductions to relevant investors shorten fundraising cycles and increase the chances of success. Bridges helps investors, platform teams, mentors and startup communities to...
Help founders get in front of investors by offering them warm introductions to investors you know. Avoid the hassle of managing the opt-in and keep track of all the introductions you are making for investors and founders in your network.
I only invest in a small percentage of the companies I meet, but I try to make every meeting count and often will refer a founder to someone in my network if I think that they can help. Platforms such as Bridge help me to make connections
Chris Adelsbach, Outrun ventures
Curate and share lists of investors with portfolio companies who are fundraising. This allows Founders to discover new investors, identify common connections and request warm introductions. Share these groups directly via Bridge or embed them into your existing portfolio resource site. Portfolio companies can request opt-in introductions that can be approved and forwarded by platform teams in 1 click. Below are a list of sample investor lists and how groups themselves can be embedded in Notion.
Share your network with Founders so they can leverage your network 24/7. The Chrome browser extension helps Founders see warm introductions as they research VC websites and investor profiles on LinkedIn. They can also build and manage smart pipelines that surface intro paths via your network.
Share deal-flow with groups and introlinks. Save hundreds of hours by embedding Bridge into the tools and lists you already use to showcase your portfolio.
We’re constantly updating and sharing use cases and best practices from our member community. Let us know if there are any use cases or examples we’ve missed. Equally if you need more information let us know via Intercom in the app.