Every day Bridge helps Super Connectors, Founders and Platforms unlock millions in network value. If you want to learn about our team and portfolio packages then contact us and we can provide more details.
For Super Connectors who love to connect and help their network
For Founders who want to ask anyone on Bridge for investor & customer intros
For Platforms who make hundreds of intros in multiple places
Contact us to discuss how we can help your team, portfolio or non-profit community.
Direct introductions made by Super Connectors are always free on Bridge. These are introductions where you use the "make intro" button and specify everyone who is being introduced when you create or offer the introduction. These currently include all introductions that use the forwardable (double opt in), single opt-in and fast intro (no opt-in) flows. The free plan also includes 2 introlink introductions per month that are created via introlinks. This is so you can test out our platform features before upgrading.
Introlinks are like calendly links for intros. The link looks like this https://brdg.app/s/9k8k8n and it’s unique to the Bridge member who created it and the person they are offering an intro to. Only the person who creates and forwards the introlink needs to be a Bridge member. The person asking for the intro and accepting the intro request do not need to join Bridge.
They allow you to easily integrate Bridge into any of your existing tools and workflows. For example, if you wanted to embed an intro offer to Alex Iskold into your email newsletter, then you would go into Bridge, search for Alex Iskold and copy their unique intro link to Alex and paste it into your newsletter saying "Connect me to Alex" . All requests will be routed to the Connector for review before they are sent to Alex for approval. You can learn more about Intro links here you can export these in mass using Groups or create them in real time via our API and Zapier.
Introlinks are introductions that originate via Intro links or by sharing custom groups. They are a form of indirect self-serve introduction as the introduction only begins when someone requests that introduction. You are not charged for creating introlinks or when anyone uses them to request an introduction.
These requests then go to the person who created the introlink for review before they are forwarded. These members are only charged for introlink introductions that they chose to forward. They are not charged for any introlink introductions that they chose not to forward.
Only the person who creates and forwards the introlink needs to be a Bridge member. The person asking for the intro and accepting the intro request do not need to join Bridge. You can learn more about Intro links here.
When you search for a person or a network, network connections are the people who know that person or network. You can see how many people are connected for free, but you need to be on a paid plan to see the list of people who are connected.
Private networks are created for every unique network domain on Bridge. For example, you can see the Techstars.com private nework here. Members can join these networks by verifying their email address at these networks. Members can also invite guests to join their private networks. This allows members and guests to share their networks and pipelines so they can help each other with warm introductions and insights.
Intro requests via Introlink are free for the person requesting or accepting the intro. They don't even need to join Bridge. However any intros requested outside introlinks or groups that were shared with you, require users to be on paid plans. This is to protect the network from too many intro requests. Paid users can currently request unlimted intro requests per month, but if users over-use this, then their networks will stop sharing their networks with them. We reserve the right to review this on a case by case basis if we see huge volumes of intro requests coming from any single user as we want to ensure this feature is not abused.