Relationship-Led Growth

Relationship-Led Growth (RLG) leverages relationships to drive business outcomes.

Realtionship-Led Growth (RLG) leverages relationships to drive business outcomes.

The crux of RLG is collaboration. This method enables you to identify the relationships that can help you identify and close opportunities.

RLG is founded on person-to-person (P2P) relationships. You and your trusted network have exclusive visibility into these relationships, enabling faster collaboration, learning, selling, fundraising, and hiring.

The more you engage with RLG, the more its benefits compound. Each question, interaction, and introduction contributes to collective growth. Every new connection strengthens your network and helps you achieve your business goals. RLG is a win-win situation.

RLG is based on these principles:

  1. Collaboration: Forge deeper relationships with your investors, portfolio, team, mentors, and trusted circles.
  2. Respect: Follow up diligently, provide feedback, manage opt-ins, and give recognition to those who contribute to your success.
  3. Network effects: Every new collaboration expands your network with thousands of new relationships and opportunities.
  4. Privacy: Your network is your own. Grant or revoke access as needed, adjust your collaboration settings, and maintain relationships throughout your career.

Here's how it works:

  1. Invite your most trusted connections, colleagues, investors, and customers to collaborate with you on Bridge.
  2. Share your network, introductions, pipelines, and network insights.
  3. Map your network: Sync your pipeline to instantly see introduction paths and connections to valuable prospects.
  4. Unlock growth: Identify warm introductions, gather exclusive insights from your network, and accelerate your business growth.


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