See your network in the browser

We need to rethink how we access our networks

As work shifts from the office to the browser, we need to rethink how we access our networks.

As Dylan Field at Figma said,

“The browser is natively multiplayer. It forces a mindset shift on access… and it pushes us to embrace working together.”

The Bridge Chrome extension allows you to bring your network into the browser. This makes discovering and accessing dream customers, great investors, top talent and knowledge much easier.

With this extension, we hope to reduce the relationship gap between physical and digital spaces. If remote is to truly work, we need to make networks accessible to all. Increased network access makes people more wealthy, creative and productive.

This early version of the extension allows you to:

⭐  See who can help you while you work
🤝  Help people you trust
⚡  Request, decline and make intros in seconds
💡  Give feedback on every intro
🤖  Use snippets and track every intro

We’ve got a long way to go — including bringing Bridge to more browsers — but our vision is to make networks accessible to all.

View the announcement on Product Hunt or watch the demo below.

Unlock Relationship-Led Growth

Make & request intros in seconds
Get feedback on your impact
Offer intros at scale
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