Enhancing Demo Days with Bridge Introlinks: Lessons from Top Accelerators

Discover how Bridge Introlinks revolutionizes demo days for accelerator teams. By streamlining introductions, Bridge ensures seamless, scalable, and measurable connections between startups and investors.

Having organized and participated in numerous demo days, I've learned that the success of these events hinges on efficient introductions between startups and potential investors or customers. Bridge Introlinks is a tool that transforms how accelerators run demo days, making intros seamless, scalable, and measurable.

The Reality of Traditional Demo Days

Demo days are critical but come with challenges. Coordinating schedules, managing attendee lists, and ensuring meaningful interactions is tough. As the number of startups and investors grows, maintaining in-person attendance becomes increasingly difficult. This usually means that investors are instead attending "virtual" demo days or are reviewing post demo day directories and look books. Tracking the success of these interactions to measure impact is often a guessing game.

Bridge Introlinks: A Game Changer

How Bridge Introlinks Works

Here's how it works:

1. Creating Introlinks: The accelerator team uses Bridge to create an introlink for each Founder or CEO presenting at Demo Day.
2. Embedding Introlinks: These links are embedded in the existing demo day lookbooks or directories that are shared with investors.
3. Investor Interaction: Investors click these links to request intros, without needing to join Bridge. They simply state who they are and why they want to meet the founder.
4. Review and Forward: Requests land in the accelerator team’s inboxes for review. The team can forward them with one click to the founders to opt in or decline.

(Note, Investors and Founders do not need to join Bridge to use introlinks)

Benefits of Bridge Introlinks

1. Faster Introductions: This process eliminates the manual back-and-forth, making introductions effortless and saving hours of administrative work.
2. Scalability: Bridge Introlinks scales with the event, managing large volumes of introductions in a short amount of time without compromising quality, ensuring every startup gets timely and relevant connections.
3. Measurability: Detailed analytics on interactions allow you to track which introductions lead to successful partnerships or investments, providing actionable insights and feedback on every intro.

Real Benefits for Accelerator Teams


By automating the introduction process, Bridge Introlinks significantly reduces your administrative workload. This efficiency lets you allocate more resources to supporting startups in critical areas like business development and fundraising strategy.

Better Outcomes

With faster introductions and deeper analytics, Bridge Introlinks ensures the right connections are made quickly. This leads to better outcomes for startups, whether it's securing funding or finding a customer. Tracking these outcomes helps you continuously improve the value you provide.

Visible Relationships

Bridge Introlinks fosters more visible connections at scale. By ensuring introductions are tracked and visible, it helps build stronger, lasting relationships that benefit startups in the long term and strengthen the overall accelerator brand and ecosystem. You can learn which investors are engaging and adding the most value to your eco-system.

Actionable Insights

The ability to track and measure every intro means you can demonstrate and measure the success of demo day in the weeks and months that follow. This helps showcase your track record, attracting future founders and investors to your program.


From years of running demo days, it's obvious that efficient introductions are key to their success. Bridge Introlinks helps streamline these events, making them more successful, scalable, and measurable. For those of us in the trenches, this means running more efficient operations, achieving better outcomes for startups, and fostering stronger relationships across the eco-system. As the startup world evolves, tools like Bridge Introlinks are crucial in helping accelerators scale and succeed.

Speaking of demo days... See how it works.

In the demo below we have created a post demo day directory in Airtable that you can share with investors. Each company has their own "Connect me" button that allows investors to easily request intros in seconds. You can learn more about our airtable integration here.


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Make & request intros in seconds
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